Founded in 1919, the Rotary Club of Rutland is one of the oldest Rotary Clubs in New England. Our membership has always reflected a wide diversity of local business leaders and community partners with a commitment to Service Above Self.
Rotary is Service
The focus of the Rotary Club of Rutland is community service. Throughout the year we are active in a variety of hands-on projects as well as mentoring and knowledge sharing activities.
Rotary is Fellowship
Our club meets for lunch on a weekly basis, where we can get to know our members better, while we learn about interesting topics from the day’s guest speaker. We also have special events, socials, and service projects with neighboring Rotary clubs throughout the year. As a Rotarian, you are a welcome guest at other clubs around the world!
Rotary is Learning
Our club strives to cultivate a diverse membership so that we can all benefit from each other’s experience and talents. Our weekly meetings include guest speakers that can educate our club on interesting topics both locally and worldwide.
Rotary is International
Rotary International has 1.2 million members in more than 200 countries and geographical areas. As volunteers, Rotary members have been serving the needs of communities worldwide since 1905.
Rotary and its partners have reduced polio cases by 99 percent worldwide. Thanks to Rotary, Polio remains endemic in just four countries: Afghanistan, India, Nigeria, and Pakistan.
Through the Rotary Foundation, we can leverage fiscal resources to solve real issues worldwide. Our club’s most recent global grant-funded infant hearing screenings in Thailand – which you can learn more about here (Have Kevin provide pictures and information about this grant)
Rotary is You
The strength of each Rotary club is its members. If you’re interested in joining us, please contact us for more information. You can find details about our upcoming service projects and events on this site as well as our Facebook page.
You Are the Missing Piece